Archives for Tertullian

In persona Christi: the rise of the phallogocentric Eucharist

In the middle of the third century a conflict emerged in the church over the use of water instead of wine as an element in the Eucharistic feast.  Attacking the practice in a letter to a fellow bishop, Cyprian of Carthage argued: "For if Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, is Himself the chief priest of God the Father, and has first offered Himself a sacrifice to the Father, and has commanded this to be done in commemoration of Himself, certainly that priest truly discharges the office of Christ, who imitates that which Christ did; and he then offers a
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“There is Nothing Outside of the Text”

il n'ya a pas de hors texte…[1] Summarizing Derrida's deconstructive project would be a colossal task.  Because of its very nature, there is no short, clear exposition of deconstruction.  However, for our purposes we will focus on only a couple of its concepts, gleaning insights from a few key texts.  The first of these, perhaps the most famous axiom of postmodern thought:  there is nothing outside of the text. 
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